Saturday, February 9, 2008

Get them while they are hot

The Canadian Journal of Environmental Education is currently looking for book reviews for the following titles. This merits a CFP label, I believe.

1. Fennell, David. (2008). Ecotourism (3rd ed.). London: Routledge. 282 pp.

2. Henderson, Bob, & Vikander, Nils (Eds.). (2007). Nature First: Outdoor Life the Friluftsliv Way. Toronto: Natural Heritage Books. 322 pp.

3. Hutchison, David. (2004). A Natural History of Place in Education. New York: Teachers College Press. 170 pp.

4. Moore, Ronald. (2007). Natural Beauty: A Theory of Aesthetics Beyond the Arts. Peterborough: Broadview Press. 272 pp.

5. Reid, Alan, Jensen, Bjarne Bruun, Nikel, Jutta, & Simovska, Venka (Eds.). (2008). Participation and Learning: Perspectives on Education and the Environment, Health and Sustainability. Dordrecht: Springer. 346 pp.

6. Ricou, Laurie. (2007). Salal: Listening for the Northwest Understory. Edmonton: NeWest Press. 263 pp.

7. Strauss, Rochelle. (2007). One Well: The Story of Water on Earth. Toronto: Kids Can Press. 32 pp.

8. Wals, Arjen E.J. (Ed.). (2007). Social learning towards a sustainable world. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 540 pp.

For more information and to get copies of the books:

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