Tuesday, February 19, 2008

stream - sfu grad journal

description below; contact stream.journal@gmail.com for more info, or add the FB group:
Stream is an E-Journal. The goal is to create a peer-reviewed journal for graduate students to submit their work, which encompasses three often-overlapping ‘streams’ of concentration: Culture, Technology & Politics. We hope that this student initiative will become a space for graduate students to publish new work and expand upon new ideas, contributing to a thriving graduate intellectual culture.

Submissions will be selected through a double-blind review process, and should be submitted electronically to facilitate the editing and publishing process. Papers should fit into one of the proposed streams, but we invite contributors to challenge their conceptions of these subjects with innovative takes on these fields.

Notes to Contributors:

Papers should be 15-20 pages in length and submitted via email in Word (.doc) or RTF (.txt) format. Manuscripts are expected to be the original work of the author and should use Canadian English, be double spaced and cited according to APA style.

Although the purpose of the journal is to encourage academic dialogue between streams, we ask that authors select between culture, politics, and technology, when submitting manuscripts in order to facilitate the editing process.

As this journal will be housed exclusively online, we encourage authors to include images, videos, sound and any other electronic media in their submissions. Please contact our Production Manager to check the compatibility of our programs with your particular media needs.

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